Ivann Schlosser

I am a data scientist and researcher, specialised in urban analytics / modelling / visualization.


Born in France

Educated in the UK and Switzerland

Currently based in London, UK.


BSc in Physics '19' from epfl_logo

MSc in Smart cities and urban analytics '21 from ucl_logo at casa_logo.



I am doing research on spatial networks at CASA. Mainly developing methods from open source tools and data sets to model flows in physical networks. I do some deep learning as well in order to 'learn' how different land uses locate in space.


Active travel commuting in London

Research on networks, routing and models for active travel commuting in London

Active travel network of Great Britain

Building distance matrices for active travel journeys across Great Britain.

Active travel modelling: a methodological approach to walking and cycling networks for commuting analysis

cppSim: Large scale commuter flows model

This is a mini package for doubly constrained spatial interaction models. With a c++ backend, it is very fast and memory efficient.


A package containing supplementary helper functions.

Selected courseworks
Visualizing cultural data sets on the web

An interactive web app to navigate the MOMA collection through time, geography, colors and more

Waste management in England

A study on waste flows across England and the circular economy aspects of that industry.

Msc dissertation: Deconstructing neighbourhoods

Developing methods to understand the city on a local, neighborhood scale from mobility patterns and distribution of amenities.



I presented at the FOSS4G:UK conference earlier in september talking about our research on active travel commuting and the open source software we used and developped.


We published a paper on open source methods for large scale spatial interaction models applied to active travel. Have a look if you are intrested in manipulating large scale road networks, and building predictive models of commuter flows. arXiv.


I keep my notes as rmarkdown and quarto files and try to regularly make them into blog posts, mostly about intresting technical problems or skills that my research work involves. But also general knowledge about R programming. Have a look here!